All Along the Way
Our Adoption Journey


I'm thankful for oh, so many many things this year. Here's the short list: I'm thankful for warm socks (to keep my feet warm on the hard wood floors), paperclips (to help me stay a little bit more organized), computers (the better to keep in touch with all of you), hot chocolate( because it's GOOD), erasers (because I make a lot of mistakes) and Kleenix with lotion. I'm thankful that Trent and I have finished all the adoption application paperwork. I'm thankful for so many of you that are keeping us in mind and praying for us. I'm thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm thankful for loving brothers and sisters, kind and faithful parents, nieces and nephews, friends far and near, and my loving husband. I'm so blessed.


Angie said...

Adela, we've never met yet, but I am Trent's cousin. My mom told me that you were adopting so I checked out your profile. I'm a big advocate of adoption, and my husband is the adoption supervisor for LDSFS in Michigan. I just wanted to introduce myself and wish you the best through this process, and if there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
Angie (McQuivey) Gardner

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